The Labrador Retriever Club of Ontario will be hosting the 2016 LRCC Inc National, as well as their own specialty, in conjunction with the Kilbride & District Kennel Club all-breed shows August 5th, 6th and 7th, 2016
That's 5 sets of points, WC tests, and an Obedience trial all in one weekend!
The LRCC Inc National will be dedicated to Mr. Charles Hunt Mrs. Judy Hunt plans on attending, and Charlie's dedication will be at the beginning of the LRCC Inc National specialty show.
Conformation: LRCC Inc National: Mrs. Romy Hochfield (Brazil) Zack Labradors FCI LRCC Inc National Sweeps: Dr. Karen Helmers (USA) Paradocs Labradors LRCO Provincial: Mrs. Sherry Anderson (USA) Sher-Mi Labradors LRCO Provincial Sweeps: Mrs. Jane Wewer (Can) Hunterleigh Labradors
Obedience Trial: LRCC Inc National Obedience: Ms Sandy Briggs
Working Certificate Tests: LRCC Inc National Working Certificate: Alana Cholewa & Ray W Bester
Locations: Conformation shows held at: Caledonia Fairgrounds 151 Caithness Street East, Caledonia , Ontario
Obedience and Working Certificate Tests held at: Puslinch, Ontario
Aug 5 - LRCC Inc Working Certificate (WC, WCI, WCX) tests Aug 5 - LRCC Inc Obedience Trial Aug 5 - Supported entry All breed show - 3 days Aug 6 - LRCC Inc National Specialty show Aug 7 - LRCO Provincial Specialty show
* Puppy sweepstakes /veteran sweepstakes - both Specialty show days Baby puppy class - both Specialty show days- get those babies out to show them off!!
* Ring Side Mentoring - contact Mike Lanctot lanctot@ebonylane.ca or Denise Branch bluesouthlabradors@gmail.com
* Silent Auction Challenge for the LRCC Inc National - Contact Mike Lanctot lanctot@ebonylane.ca
* RAFFLES * Denise will be selling tickets at local shows she attends, as well as specialty shows.
Labrador Quilt: Cost $ 10.00/ticket or $15.00/3 tickets (picture coming soon) Labrador Flower Planters: Cost $ 1.00/ticket or $5.00/3 tickets (picture coming soon)
For reservations: 1-877-361-2508 .
PLEASE NOTE: The block of rooms reserved will only be held until 1/21/16. When making your reservation, please use the confirmation number 71882089 associated with "The Lab Club of Ontario". Address of hotel: Super 8 Mt Hope Hamilton Arpt, 2975 Homestead Dr. , Mount Hope, ON L0R 1W0 - only 12 minutes from the show site.
* Lunch provided for exhibitors at a nominal cost of - prepaid $5.00, or $7.00 day of. Contact Denise Branch bluesouthlabradors@gmail.com
For further information, please contact:
![]() Labrador Retriever Club of Canada Inc (Canadian National Club) |